Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The obligatory "I'm starting a blog" entry

The entry below is a story about my trip to the Art Institute of Chicago in the summer of 2008. I wanted to start this—ugh, hate to say it—blog with something more than just the usual "Hey! I'm starting a blog!" line. In my experience, if the introductory entry is insipid and unimaginative, the later entries are bound to head in the same direction.
This blog will not be updated daily with uninteresting facts about my life. I really don't want to share that with all of you. There will be no random entries about pets, or diatribes on nothing particular. Instead, this a place where I can share my stories with all of you. Stories about getting on the wrong bus, about getting stuck in a parking garage—all the moments in my life where someone should just walk behind me with a pre-recorded laugh track.
This blog is also a way for me to share about the trip I'm going to be taking in less than a month. I will hopefully have access to a computer at some point during my vacation and, for those of you who are interested, will be giving you a glimpse into my four weeks with family and friends.
Above all, thanks for reading. I always appreciate the feedback and encouragement you send to me.

Forever Daisied,
Confused and Starting a blog (ugh),


Stefanie said...

Not insipid at all :)

Stefanie said...
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verenarose said...

great start! We are looking forward to the updates.