Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sleepless night

Late yesterday afternoon, an enthusiastic coworker succeeded in convincing me to show up at the Manitoba Legislature in the early hours of Wednesday morning.
Say what?
Yes. In the next couple hours I'll be standing on the front steps of our government building, cheering like a mad person for the five cyclists and six crew members of Team CMU. They are finishing an amazing bike race, from Vancouver to Winnipeg in about 2.5 days.*
Any attempts to sleep were in vain, as were the attempts to read a book. I now sit here with a cup of tea, waiting for the phone call from my coworker.
Thank goodness my boss will also be there, and a late arrival time for work can be negotiated.

 *For more information about this race, and the other amazing teams they were racing against, see the following websites:

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