Friday, August 27, 2010

Scene change

It was a unexpectedly cold, rainy Saturday in August when I stepped into the elevator with the heavyset man. The elevator creaked and croaked, pulling us upward and every time he spoke, I looked up expecting to see a heavy moustache hovering under his nose.  Alas, his face was clean shaven. We got out on the fifth floor, the hallway dimly lit and smelling faintly of curry and cat piss. Stopping in front of a door on the right, he knocked twice, turned his key in the lock and ushered me in.
My first time viewing an apartment was a low-key, yet unforgettable ten minutes. The moustache-free caretaker prowled by the front door, barking out selling features of the apartment in his thick Eastern European accent. The woman who lived there showed me the view, and pointed out the sad looking ceiling in the bathroom. I could imagine myself living there, but I couldn't stomach the idea of walking through the smell of that hallway everyday. Apartment #1 was a no-go.
What is it about searching for an apartment that suddenly turns your world upside down? Maybe it's the idea of spending the next month trying to contact caretakers who never return calls. Or maybe it's the thought of giving up all free hours to view apartments with grimy bathrooms, tiny kitchens and the tenants' belongings piled haphazardly all over the place. In the end, I'm certain it was the fear of finding the one I really wanted and not being able to get the lease. It put fire in my veins and filled me with nervous energy, energy that woke me up at two in the morning so I could check for updates on apartment websites.
Thankfully, after all that anxious searching, I have found an apartment and I move in a month. I now sit amidst boxes of stuff, realizing that I own too many books and too few dinner plates. The place I've found is just right: not too big and not too small. The caretaker was friendly, the hallways were clean, and the light shining in through the kitchen window made the whole room seem bigger.
I can't wait to move.

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