Sunday, December 5, 2010

Must. Finish. This. Paper.

Dear paper,

You are due tomorrow. The research has been completed, the books referenced, the thoughts laid out in well-structured sentences. And yet, even in the final hours of writing, you taunt me. I feel the need to read you a thousand times, combing for errors, searching for a slip in judgement or formatting. And each time I read you, I become more convinced of you being returned to me with "FAILURE" stamped across your front page. I beg of you, be complete and passable. I have invested weeks of my life into your existence and the thought you being less than satisfactory is driving me to distraction.

Yours sincerely,
The frustrated paper writer


Kates said...

it's okay sweetheart, you will finish it and it will be AWESOME!!

Dycks Pycks said...

Karen, I feel your pain. Every paper I write is a painful exercise in trial and failure. I like to think that it conditions humility, but it just as often turns me into a bitter old fatalist. In the end it's really just ego-stroking.