Saturday, June 2, 2012

A cyclist's response to a motorist

Dear motorist in the luxury sedan,

I guess I started it. I really wasn't expecting your large, silver beast to pull up right beside me, so close I could examine your children's faces as you so carelessly hurled insults out your car window. I was angry because I was hurt by your words and threatened by the fact that you seemed to hate me—me, a complete stranger—and for the first time ever, I knew what it was to fear for your life.

I write this to you, not out of anger, but as a way to process the hatred that was directed at me. I write on behalf of my friends, my boyfriend, colleagues and fellow Winnipeggers who cycle everyday. I write this on behalf of your children, who were witness to such atrocious behaviour from their father.

I am not a moron for choosing to ride a bicycle. Unlike you, I am unable to afford a vehicle right now and have to rely on walking, cycling or public transit to take me places. You were far too close to me, and contrary to your perspective, you had ample room after the traffic light to switch back into the lane that I was supposedly hogging.

I felt horrified by the calm, calculated way you judged me. Your words humiliated me, and I shook with fear the entire way home.

The altercation lasted less than a minute, but your actions spoke volumes. Your callous behaviour toward another human being who has neither harmed you, your family, or your value system, makes me wonder how you treat people close to you. You were encased in metal, holed up in a fortress luxurious leather and air conditioning. You had no right to endanger the life of someone else, simply because they got in your way.

Cyclists might not always do the right thing on the road, but neither do motorists. Do not throw stones when you live in a glass house.

Finally, and most importantly, I will strive to forgive you for threatening and insulting me. And I will keep cycling, not to spite you but because it's the way I choose to live my life.

Yours Sincerely,
A Winnipeg Cyclist

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